What is group spiritual direction?
Spiritual direction is companionship for the journey. A spiritual director or companion is someone to sit with you, to listen without judgment, and provide space for you — no matter where you are at in your journey.
There are many healing professions, and I always like to call out that spiritual direction is different than therapy, coaching, pastoral care, etc.
I like how author Richard Foster describes it (italics mine):
"The spiritual direction relationship includes a director and directee, with the director often being called a “spiritual director” or companion.
While different directors have different approaches to their practice, typically they take an active/passive role, simply creating the environment for the direction to take place.
The director intentions to do more listening than talking, asking evoking questions as needed and appropriate. Times of silence are apropos and welcomed. There is very little actual direction given as this is commonly understood.
Rather, the spiritual director convenes a conversation during which a direction will be determined by the directee and director together, co-laboring with God or the divine as the directee understands it. Both directee and director explore together what God might be doing in the areas being discussed.”
Spiritual direction can take place 1:1 or as a group.
Group spiritual direction is similar to 1:1 spiritual direction, but a small group of people co-create a sacred space to explore life’s mysteries and draw closer to the divine — together.